100 Facts and 1 Opinion...STOPBUSHSTOP...some reasons to stopbush
. the war as a business...halliburton
. a denial to the kyoto treaty
. don't bear in mind the human rights and the international institutions (onu, corte penal internacional...:abu grain...
. Almost a thousand American troops have died, and No WMD have been found in Iraq; but President Bush still has "no doubt" that his war was a good idea. Sometimes doubt is a good thing.
."We don't need no stinkin' evidence" is the attitude that oozes from President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
.People remember embarrassing phrases from the last Bush campaign: The promise to be "a uniter, not a divider,"
.Bush squanders 9/11 sympathy with arrogant behavior
After the 9/11 attacks, the United States enjoyed an enormous wellspring of sympathy from people around the world. Bush has squandered this support by projecting an unfortunately all-too -typically arrogant attitude toward the world.
.Bush insists on getting his way, even if democracy suffers
Now we should be asking if George W Bush understands democracy after what happened during the election count in Florida when he showed little concern for due process. He wanted his way regardless of the democratic implications.
.Bush equates pacifism with "doing nothing"
more reasons:thousandreasons
see also:artistsdeclaration
The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration
. a denial to the kyoto treaty
. don't bear in mind the human rights and the international institutions (onu, corte penal internacional...:abu grain...
. Almost a thousand American troops have died, and No WMD have been found in Iraq; but President Bush still has "no doubt" that his war was a good idea. Sometimes doubt is a good thing.
."We don't need no stinkin' evidence" is the attitude that oozes from President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
.People remember embarrassing phrases from the last Bush campaign: The promise to be "a uniter, not a divider,"
.Bush squanders 9/11 sympathy with arrogant behavior
After the 9/11 attacks, the United States enjoyed an enormous wellspring of sympathy from people around the world. Bush has squandered this support by projecting an unfortunately all-too -typically arrogant attitude toward the world.
.Bush insists on getting his way, even if democracy suffers
Now we should be asking if George W Bush understands democracy after what happened during the election count in Florida when he showed little concern for due process. He wanted his way regardless of the democratic implications.
.Bush equates pacifism with "doing nothing"
more reasons:thousandreasons
see also:artistsdeclaration
The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration
15 comentarios
Curtfly -
Sara -
Curtfly -
Merry -
Ant -
Calling Flexio an idiot is worth our time?
Kettle, Pot....Black
Sara -
Flexio, whoever you are, you're an idiot. Repeating "Stop Bush" over and over isn't doing anything to change my mind. Try something more effective, like, gee, I dunno, actually saying something worth our time.
Ant -
jessiqua -
kim -
don't worry, we will STOP BUSH! a lot of Americans are sick & sad about how he & his administration & his supporters have treated this country & the world. He wasn't elected the first time & he won't be this time!
Movil -
Jane Lane -
gbp -
Movil -