everybody is wellcome...
Hello, we are three youngs from Europe.Here, we are really worried about the results of your elections. We disagree with bush. President bush has taken numerous actions that directly affect the lives of every human being in the international community. He and his administration defends a world of terror, they don't capture bin laden because they need him, they had prefered going to the war against iraq (100.000 innocents dead->LE MONDE (30/10/04) and published by THE LANCET (international british magazine)) and divided the world than spend the money and efforts in capture the terrorists
we believe
in a world in peace...in a world where the WORDS are always the only way to resolve the problems...in a world of arts...in a world without bush...READ CAREFULLY ALL THE POSTS...think about it...stopbush...this is a message from europe...stopbush...think about the lies he told...think about the world that we have now with bush...stopbus...openyoureyes:in europe the 80% would like that kerry wins...we don't have the brain washed...we aren't supporters of kerry but we know thanks to the medias of europe the reality of what bush have done, we believe in a world where the cooperation international and the work of the police and secrets services are going to stop the terrorism
what we are doing: sending this message all around the usa:
this is a message from Europe:
your leadership affects everyone on this planet, think about it:stopbush
if you think that this is political crap we are sorry for bother you
this is a personal blog, we only want a better world, sorry if we disturb you, we do it with respect, we don't pretend to offend no one, if you are agree you can copy the message and send it wherever you want in usa (www.fotolog.net), thank you
we believe
in a world in peace...in a world where the WORDS are always the only way to resolve the problems...in a world of arts...in a world without bush...READ CAREFULLY ALL THE POSTS...think about it...stopbush...this is a message from europe...stopbush...think about the lies he told...think about the world that we have now with bush...stopbus...openyoureyes:in europe the 80% would like that kerry wins...we don't have the brain washed...we aren't supporters of kerry but we know thanks to the medias of europe the reality of what bush have done, we believe in a world where the cooperation international and the work of the police and secrets services are going to stop the terrorism
what we are doing: sending this message all around the usa:
this is a message from Europe:
your leadership affects everyone on this planet, think about it:stopbush
if you think that this is political crap we are sorry for bother you
this is a personal blog, we only want a better world, sorry if we disturb you, we do it with respect, we don't pretend to offend no one, if you are agree you can copy the message and send it wherever you want in usa (www.fotolog.net), thank you
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bodaah -
Movil -
do you remember the usa is formed by irish, england, spanish, japanese, chinese, african people, etc..., and maybe your parents are one of them?
you should have more respect to the rest of the world. You don´t are the navel of the world. and, are you telling me about our shack?
look at your house, a little ciclone is enough to destroy it.
open your mind!!!! There is a whole world out there.
Phil C. -
Too much fear, too much ignorance, too much pride....you are the main danger, you are the terrorists, you don't save us, you make me feel panic and afraid...
flexo -
eMe -
Envy...of what? envy of your military power?...our first election is the word, your first election is the war.
Have you saved the planet of what?:
Bin Ladem is still free.
The terrorism is stronger and more active than ever.
Thousands of persons dead, irakis, americans, europeans.
Tell me the reason of this war?
Can you explain us why the "savior of the world"lie to us telling that there was massive weapons as excuse for invade irak?, can you explain us why he let the family of Bin Ladem go out of your country, the family of who is the AUTOR of the atacks of the 11/s and 11/m?
We are spanish, we had suffer the atacks of the terrorism international we are not going to invade another country, we believe in our forces of security (police, secret service, justice) to protect us...we are not going to have our hands full of blood like you..,you are so hypocrites that you do it in the name of god and in the name of all us...we have said NO.
gwb -
Roger Milton -
Answer: Fear, greed, and ignorance...
thank u
Jane Lane -
Movil -
leason 1:
Guerra = Bush
Mentiras = Bush
Prepotencia = Bush
Tocape***** = Bush
Destrucción masiva = Bush
(sin ofender a ningun votante )
Movil -
eMe -
Sara: acosar? no entiendo a que te refieres. Esta web defiende el derecho de la gente a EXPRESARSE LIBREMENTE, cada uno dice lo que quiere, apoya a quien le da la gana y da sus motivos para hacerlo, SIN INSULTAR A NADIE. Como yo, que por todos los motivos que hemos explicado aqui sigo diciendo STOPBUSH, es mi opinión como la tuya es apoyarlo, te FELICITO, habéis ganado las elecciones. Me gustaría que esta página hubiese servido para que vosotros, los que apoyais a Bush, hubieséis rebatido nuestros argumentos usando los vuestros. CREEMOS EN EL DIALOGO NO EN LOS INSULTOS.
Siento no haberte escrito en castellano pero creo que no es muy bueno, verdad?
Movil -
olé tus coj*** bien dicho y
viva la macarena!!!!
o q aprendan iraki antes de atakar como hacen en este blog.
Alberto -
Aqui nadie insultó a nadie, aqui la gente es libre de opinar, de decir porque apoyan a uno o a otro sin insultos ni tonterias. Te lo escribo en español (spanish) por que se que lo entiendes perfectamente, y sino te compras un diccionario que yo llevo años estudiando tu idioma ahora te toca un poco del mio.
En esta web se defiende el derecho de expresarse LIBREMENTE sin meterse con nadie, que es lo que muchos de vostros no dejais hacer al resto del mundo.
Enhorabuena, Congratulations, si, como ves yo no te insulto ni me meto contigo, congratulations to you my friend...
Espero verte mas por aqui para aprender un poco de honestidad, moralidad y respeto, y que dejes tu sombrero de cowboy y tu prepotencia a un lado...
Anónimo -
TA -
Sara -
luaaaaa -
Only one more thing...
Hey Sara...friend
Why don't you just look for something else to do, girl?!
Disdain people can be great for you, but I think you should look at yourself in the mirror! don't waste your time...do it!!
and don't aswer this coment if you can't write in PORTUGUESE, ok!?!?!?
luaaaaaa -
I was born in Brazil, I love my country and as said a brazilian friend above, I don't want my country to become a battlefield...
Thanks...that's all
luaaaaaa -
But there's a CURE:
The VOTE !!!!!!
vicky -
It affects all of us. I'm from Brazil but i'm here in US right now. I really hope Kerry wins this election; i'm not really a Kerry's fan but his WAY better them Bush, i've been doing some campain here =].
Sara -
Sara -
William Wallace -
Enid -
orrin -
Kat -
daybird -
Mary A. Muller -
When bush LIED, people DIED...
We can get it
Thank u guys
Patrik M -
Fernanda -
Bush is EGOCENTRIC... PLEASE AMERICANS VOTE TODAY! You don´t need a dictator again!
johnnie utah -
johnnie utah -
kris -
any way, i hope kerry for winner...
larissa -
Sarah M -
Movil -
There are a lot of countries directed by a dictator. Why bush didn´t go there to save all them?
is the fuel all he wants?
let´s think about that.
(lo siento por mi ingles macarronico ;p)
Neandro -
STOP BUSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spike@Japan -
stop making (Bush)sence.
eMe -
eMe -
Sara -
Bush is trying to save the world from this threat. Complain if you want.
Wal -
liska -
please don't hold the ignorant, young, spoiled american generalizations you see here color your perceptions of us all. we are not all so closed-minded that we cannot see the larger picture and that all politicians-- world wide-- are corrupted by money and power.
you are brave to create a place for people to dialogue on such sensitive issues. this election is making us all nervous...bush and kerry supporters alike. i am one who cannot vote for bush, but can't completely trust kerry either. yet i must vote for him to keep bush out of office.
if i can make one request of our leader in the u.s., it's that he (or she-- can you ever imagine?) does not isolate americans from the rest of the world.
what does it mean to be human? what is compassion?
blessings to all.
matt -
B -
Those who say that Bush is the new Hitler have completely destroyed any meaning this particular epithet may have once had - there is no bite to it anymore. To compare Bush to Hitler is to trivialize what Hitler was and what he did - or, perhaps, the user has no real knowledge of Hitler? It's hard to say, but I would think that a European would know better.
I will be voting for Bush on Tuesday, as will a great many other people. He's right for us. Some folks may disagree, but that's the wonderful thing about a democracy. People are free to be wrong - in fact, people are just plain free, which is what makes us a target for Muslim fundamentalists. They hate the fact that we let our women vote, wear skirts, have jobs, drive. They hate that we have homosexuals. They hate that we can worship whatever we want. They hate our freedom and so they hate us. See what we did in Afghanistan? We freed tens of thousands of women from the tyranny of the Taliban - they are now free to vote, to go to school, to vote. Hitler? I don't think so.
Edevan -
then I don't know if you saw in my flog www.fotolog.net/logan2099 I made a manifesto against Bush and my friends some of them did also you have my total support... I don't hate him more I don't like the attitudes that he is taking needed of a world free from people as well as him... I love Brazil here it is my my life home don't want that transformed in a battlefield
Hugo -
i hate G. Bush he is a total disaster. and a fucking Bastard!.
if u want a little help of mine. im here ok!?
some bastards like him. but what can we do. people need to understand whats gonna happend,
its madness.
have a nice day!
FOREVER Freedom to earth!
fafa -
gosh help us! please
rux -
housecatbully@yahoo.com -
Laura -
I really HATE that man. That doesnt means, that i like kerry. But i prefer kerry than bush.;
Bush is a son of a bitch, and just wanna world of war, of injusticy.
Here, on Brazil, its very very difficult for us, with him, causa our country needs too much of United States. We depends of it. That's why its too better for us that kerry wins.
I hope people that can do it, do it and turn him of this all power.
Fuck this war, that just kill inocent people. I'm with you.
Matt -
eric simonson -
Sara -
Mark -
On November 2nd, I will cast my vote against George W. Bush, to uphold the rights of foreigners to freely immigrate to our country, become citizens of our state and burdens of our economy, and feed off of the taxes of the wealthy, who don't deserve the money they've earned and never did.
felipe -
hope Karry wins
Michael -
Muchas gracias por vuestro interes hacia la democracia y un mundo en paz.
Michael F. Conelly
T0m -
Sara, they only try to help us, with their support they help to America and Americans.
Shawn, I cant' belive that you say...I'm shamed about your opinion...
Thank u guys about your opinions. We'll STOP bush
Shawn -
Of course not.
It's not that war should never be used. It's that war should be a last resort.
But, when those of us interested in protecting our civilization (thousands of years of progress) hear people, be they Americans or Europeans, we realize that the Leftists of the world, once capable of defending the world, are unworthy of our trust when it comes to protecting civilization.
Sara -
Sara -
Mike -
peter -
thank you!!!
sd -
hasta luego